Lama ngga nge blog bukan berarti ngga nulis dong, keyboard terus bertak tik tak tik, tapi apa yang di ketik?
Yes, ngga jauh-jauh, tugas, tugas dan tugas, I must do it, I can do it, it must finish before the deadline
Skripsi sebentar lagi jeng jeng jeng
Huff proposal skripsi aja masih belum terbayang, temanya apahh apahhh?
Sebenernya banyak tema yang bisa diambil dan gue yakin dengan sangat banyak yang hampir gila gara2 tema, apa lagi udah menjurus ke judul..
Karena apa? yup, judul salah good bye baby good bye, little mistake can make you start it over again..
Dari sempai2(senior) & temen2 yang udah skripsi duluan nasihat paling banyak adalah "kerjain dari sekarang, jadi nantinya ngga kesumpahribetbangetdahamitamitamitamit"
Tapi sebagai bangsa Indonesia yang bertumpah darah satu, emang udah mendarah banget untuk berjuang sampai darah penghabisan pada hari-hari terakhir sebelum tanggal deadline..
Okay whatever, than think about that over and over again
Laalala finally it's December
Yeiiii!! Happy Christmas!!
Okay not yet..
Can't wait for the HOLIDAY, I mean Christmas day haha
WOOOHOOOO, still don't know what I gonna do on this year, kissing under the mistletoe? *Wishing* hahaha
Anyway, How was my christmas day last year? Not that good, I called it the worse christmas I've been through -__- .. Na na na na
But I feel this year just so much better than the last two year.. (^u^)
Yeah, at least at this year I finally got my lovely kon", a.k.a the Nikon DSLR! wohooo..
And I got some A grade on my middle test! yeii welcome me to the college life again!! Enjoy what you do! New friends? absolutely! and BALI! wooooh! I love the view, the food, the bules and the feel when I stayed there for 9 days, never enough, absolutely gonna back there again!
And this year, I knew my special friend is here, alive..
That was the best news I heard this year, any other? I wait for it!
a mac? a new camera? or may be edward?
All I want is you <3 less than three, only two of us :)
Just kidding Just for fun
What I want on this Christmas is the new spirit. Fight fight fight!
Get what I want, get what I need, get my DREAM!
Than focusing on the problem, I better search a chance, there's always a chance! a lot of chance!
chance chance girang..

Merry holiday!!
Happy Christmas!!
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