Selasa, 14 Juni 2016


I  cried last Saturday night.. And more I cry today.. I also read about what happened in other Country.. Why and why and why. Can there will be the word “enough” of everything..
Our heart go out to those who lost their lives and to families & friends who lost loved ones in the horrific shooting at Orlando, Florida USA..
It’s stuck in my mind from this noon 50 persons died and 53 persons injured.. They got it because of random shoot at the event in Orlando.
That not the reason gun made. And to have it is a BIG responsibility..

I don’t care who you are did this stupid shooting. Let them be a jerk, let them do what they want to do. Hufff  *breathing* (*ambil nafas buang nafas*) Let’s be kind to them.. I want to believe that God have planned, so whatever happened, may I say to people who died, you maybe lucky can go ahead of us to heaven.. I pray you all can enjoy the heaven.. And we who being miss our loved ones, be patience is not easy. Continuing the good thing they’ve done, and always remember them. Rest in 
peace all beloved.

Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet." Maya Angelou

God loves all and all are worthy, nobody (ga ada seorang pun yang pantas untuk meninggal dengan cara seperti ini) deserve to die this way.. All have the respect and dignity. And I believe in this world still have humanity.

I experience this lately.. Dengan rasa kemanusiaan yang ada diantara masyarakat yang mau bekerjasama, dan masih punya hati dan otak. Kita berhasil membantu Bu Saeni dan juga pedagang-pedagang sekitar yang terkena razia karena menjajakan makanannya di bulan puasa ini. Yang menurut kami peraturan perda ini sungguh ga manusiawi, dan cara merazianya well, what is in your mind? Then dikemanakan makanan-makanan yang di razia itu? Kalian makan? Hah?!

Pengumpulan donasi ini diusung oleh Dwika Putra @dwikaputra  ko Alexander Thian @aMrazing Yogi Natasukma @SoundOfYogi juga dibantu Jenny Jusuf@JennyJusuf dan temen2 yang berpengaruh di twitter lainnya.. Percaya atau engga dalam beberapa jam kita bisa mengumpulkan puluhan juta dan at the end of only 36 hours donasi yang terkumpul sampai:


last update tentang donasi klik sini
At the end again I remind myself.. Nobody know who will come and who will go.. I just want to do as much as I can do to love who I love..

All need and deserve love, and love will conquer all.

#kangenNontonMoulanRouge #NicoleKidmanCantikBanget #EwanMcgregorPlease #HancurSudahFokusnya..

God Bless you guys..

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