Minggu, 01 September 2013

Our BIG Different

Gue dan ketua ternyata punya perbedaan yang sangat menonjol disisi ini.
Satu sisi yang amat jarang kita temui di diri kita masing-masing ketika bertemu. Hal yang jarang bahkan hampir ngga pernah kami masing-masing alami bersama atau berhadapan.

It's about how we mad.
After some story and some problem that hitting my best friend lately, I saw how mad she is when something bad happen to her family. Something that should not happen and it happen because some stupidty of someone else. She angry and show it with words.. Ether else memang dia lagi ngga di tempat kejadian dan hanya bisa membantu (sekaligus marah) lewat telefon.

But somehow dia cerita tentang beberapa kejadian yang dia alami dan I realize how she mad is with the words.. Marah yang diungkapkan dengan kata-kata yang tegas, pedas dan agak nyakitin orang yang berhadapan langsung dengan dia ketika emosinya sedang tinggi. So please jangan macam2. One thing, don't yelling to her without any reasonable reason or in bad situation. Don't make a mess or you'll be the mess.

Tipe orang yang tegas, berani dan agak mudah panas belakangan.. Mungkin karena tekanan kerjaan dan banyak hal yang agak bikin mumet jadi actually it's not really good for her.. Hope nothing bad will happen.. Mouth can be sweet, but sometimes it can be so sour.. cari mangga mateng jangan mangga muda.. tuh kan asem...
hmm bukan itu maksudnya..

One thing I learn last week from Pastor Jose Carol is to control our self.
Here's some important thing that I wrote on my diary.

Tentang penguasaan diri
-Kedewasaan seseorang ditentukan dari sejauh mana orang tersebut dapat mengontrol dirinya.

Belajar mengontrol diri:
Kuasai mulutmu.

"If you want to stay out from the trouble, be careful with what you say."
Hendaklah cepat mendengar tapi lambat dalam berkata-kata (Yakobus 1:19)

Menurut g dalam masalah temen baik g ini, bukannya membela atau menyatakan dia benar, tapi pada kondisinya saat itu memang ada hal yang harus dia tegaskan dan ngga salah untuk say how she feel, but I love her, please take care of your self.. Take care of your mouth, I just won't something bad happen because of it. May be not today.. but some day it may cause something bad happen.. I won't she or anyone even me regret it.

Me too, terkadang g juga suka marah dan saking keselnya ngga bisa mengontrol mulut dan mengatakan hal-hal yang ngga enak.. But for me it's better than what I usually do in the past..

I'm not a type who angry with words.. I will come and hit someone or anything that made me mad. Nothing to say just a little punch, or so many punch. Hehe my bad, but it's okay it just me. I accept the way I am, until my mom said she will not let me practice Krav Maga or kapap anymore if I can't control my body and my self.

So here I learn to not using my ability as something can break me down. But don't make me mad and mess on me or I will break your bone.. hahaha just kidding, really.. ;D
This time I want to remembered myself and my best friend and you, my friend and everyone who read it(thank you). Please take cake.. Control your tounge, control your body, CONTROL YOUR SELF. It's mean a lot.

And if you want to know more about KAPAP or Krav Maga in Jakarta, you can visit KMI (KOMANDO INDONESIA) or you can ask me[email: vividayanavalencia@yahoo.com] , I will tell you what I knew and my instructor will tell you more :) come and join the class. I practice at KAPAP BINAKARINDO (Jl. Pangeran Jayakarta)
Sekalian promosi hahaha.

Keep Calm 
God bless you!!