Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

MotoGP Assen 2015

The MotoGP race in Assen have the drama that some of us didn't expect. Let's see the race.

The qualification by Valentino Rossi who break the new fastest record in sircuit Assen with 1:32 second.

The pole position on the first row lead by Valentino Rossi (46), Aleix Espargaro (41), and Marc Marquez (93). Our winner last race, Jorge Lorenzo start on the the 3rd row.

Some Progress made by Valentino Rossi who push his self to make better result because he hasn't been on the pole position since the first race MotoGP 2015. He got it here in Dutch.

So the race begin! Great pole position by Valentino Rossi and Aleix Espargaro, just on some turn Marquez make the move and pass Aleix. Jorge also make great progress from the 8th to the 3rd place just in the first lap. 25 laps to go Jack Miller and Hector Barbera crashing on turn 16, but thanks God they are okay. There also some great move by Pol Espargaro, he made it to 4 row. 24 laps to go and he then passed by Andrea Iannone who move on the 4th place.

23 laps to go, Rossi, Marquez, Lorenzo, Iannone, Aleix, Pol Espargaro, following also Cal Crutzlow and Andrea Dovisiozo. 22 laps to go, Rossi still leading but Marquez made the fastest lap than Valentino Rossi. He getting closer to Valentino Rossi but not close enough. 21 LAPS TO GO. Pedrosa who still have problem with his arm is on the 11th place.

click for the video
*when Marquez get closer*
*Carl Crutzlow hunting the 7th place*

20 LAPS TO GO so bad Stefan Bradl also crash on the turn 11. Marquez try to getting closer with Valentino Rossi but he not able to pass him yet. 18 LAPS TO GO on the back Carl Crutzlow making a great move and move to 7th place. Marquez also getting closer, he close enough but Rossi make a great move in every corner. Rossi top speed is 298 KM/H. Wow! 15 LAPS TO GO Lorenzo about 5 seconds behind Marc Marquez. And here also a great battle for 7th place between Pol Espargaro(44), Bradley Smith(38), Dani Pedrosa(26) & Aleix Espargaro(41). 14 LAPS TO GO Pedrosa and Aleix passed Smith. 11 LAPS TO GO great battle between Carl Crutzlow and Dovisiozo as you can see in this video.

*Carl Crutzlow again make a great move with Andrea Dovisiozo for the 5th place*

10 LAPS TO GO makin deg deg-an AAAAAA! GETTING CLOSER THE BATTLE FOR 1ST PLACE VALENTINO ROSSI AND MARQUEZ. Comentatornya seru abis. 9 LAPS TO GO aah so bad Eugene Laverty crash on turn 11 he is fine.. Marquez get really really close on this lap, but Rossi made a great move, no pace to Marquez to pass him. 8 LAPS TO GO still Rossi leading the way. Battle for the 5th-10th place there Crutzlow(35), Pol Espargaro(44), Andrea Dovisiozo(04) Bradley Smith(38), Dani Pedrosa(26) and Aleix Espargaro(41) they are so close together.

*Marquez try his best to get closer to Rossi.*
*The strong 36th years old Italian give no gap on every corner*

7LAPS TO GO Marquez make a move!! Who is yelling with me? WOOHOOOO!! Brilliant maneuver!! Marc Marquez lead for the first time. Rossi try to pass it but can not make it on the next corner. #MARQUEZvsROSSI

*The moment #MarcMarquez finally can passed #ValentinoRossi for the first time! 6and half laps to go!!*


*When #ValentinoRossi make the move! #MarcMarquez 2and half laps to go!*

*The greatest ever grandprix victory #DutchGP*

AND THE CRAZY LAST LAP! Let's see it from many view:

*Look again the dramatic moment of #ROSSIvsMARQUEZ*

*From another view of the touching between #ROSSIvsMARQUEZ*

*The team, the true friends, the family.. The happiest persons when we feel happy.*

*Proud father to his son @marcmarquez93*

*1st place of the only one #ValentinoRossi *

Here is the result:

What a great show..


ps: all the photo I take all belongs to :)

Jumat, 12 Juni 2015

When will I be good enough for you?

What’s wrong?
I just want you to be happy. It is me. Myself who always trying to give and do everything for you. I'm not perfect, I'm far from It. So, what more you expect from me, when I even didn't expect you to be what you won't to be. All I want is you to be comfortable and happy with yourself. But, you've never try to accept me the way I am.

I spend my entire life asking myself. What I did wrong? I the person I like never like me back? Why I never enough for him? 
As a negative person I believe I’m not perfect and of course I did lot of things wrong. but when I will be enough for someone? Someone I love. Someone I give my whole world…


Then I found this article from Jenny Jusuf tweet..

The answer of my questions.. Is.. I’ll never find the answer.. "You are just as you are supposed to be. you are perfect even amongst all of your imperfections. As long as you maintain a thirst for life, a desire to work hard and live truthfully, and willpower to grow and to improve yourself and to try harder every day, you are just as you should be."

hahaha terus ketemu tweet ini yang bikin ketawa geli.. Always make me giggling tiap kali liat witternya Raditya Dika
'Cewek: "Kamu cepetan dong ngurusin kerjaannya!" Cowok: "Kamu jg cepetan dong ngurusin badannya." Kemudian si cowok dicolok high heels..'

Not a sorry if I like to eat, but sorry I too lazy to exercise more.. hihi *cabut high heels dari si cowok*hahaha
Memang dasar sifat manusia adalah ga pernah puas dan menuntut lebih. Lucu waktu ngobrol sama temen2 dan Andrew as spoken said it out loud. Visi & misi dapat istri secantik mungkin, anak sepinter mungkin, rumah sebesar mungkin, mobil sebagus mungkin, makan seenak mungkin, badan sesehat mungkin dan umur sepanjang mungkin. 

When he said that my mind scream, "Man! itu juga yang selalu ada di pikiran gue, man! That's all I want, I want the best of the best for my life. But your words explain it in the best way! like it!" and all agree with what he said. Something will be enough when you said it enough. Cukup Alehandro! Aku lelah hidup denganmu! Ciao bella.. *terbang pake bulu mata palsu*

"This is not meant to be an excuse, this is not to say that you are faultless, this is not to say that you have no responsibility in your relationships. You have to try, you have to compromise, you have to be vulnerable, you have to put the other person in front of yourself. You have to work, you have to be selfless sometimes, you have to acknowledge that you have flaws, that you have made and will continue to make mistakes.

But sometimes, regardless of how hard you try, you find yourself desperately in love with someone who cannot love you back. Someone who refuses to accept you, because it’s easier to make you think something’s wrong with you than it is for them to be vulnerable and human and open to the idea of being hurt." said.

I take some conclusion here. So, no excuse to not take caring your body. Yang merasa perutnya berlipat-lipat mari diratakan. Terus lakukan dan berikan yang terbaik semampu kita. Ada waktu bekerja, ada waktu beristirahat. Take sometime to think don't keep yelling. And never lose yourself. 

Good night!

Kamis, 11 Juni 2015

Acara Nulis Buku 30 May 2015

Seneng itu ketika buka facebook dan lihat ada acara belajar nulis skrip bareng Jenny Jusuf. I adore Jenny Jusuf for a long time. The more I know her, the more I adore her. She is so clever. Okay, here what I got from the sharing with Nivell Rayda dan Jenny Jusuf.

Dua kata pertama yang nendang. All you need is action. Yes kelemahan gue adalah kebanyakan mikir dan kurang  aksi. And here they remind me "to start something small and make it big".
Nulis bukan sesuatu yang dimana dalam sehari kita bertapa di Ubud trus tiba-tiba jadilah sebuah buku. Nope, ngga gitu. Nulis itu kaya gym, kita harus latih terus menerus untuk dapat lihat hasilnya.

Dan diingetin untuk jangan takut salah, nanti dari yang ngga sempurna bisa diperbaiki dan belajar dari situ. Butuh kesalahan untuk diperbaiki. Kalo udah merasa sempurna, mari pindah ke kelas lain untuk belajar hal yang lain. Selama hidup akan pernah ada kata berhenti dan cukup untuk belajar dan tahu lebih untuk jadi versi kita yang lebih baik dari diri kita sendiri.

"Mental blog?" ngga salah koq, nulis random aja tiap hari. Karena mungkin banget dari random notes itu kita bisa dapet ide dari situ.
So, udah nulis aja ga usah malu...
Kalo malu tulis di buku dulu aja, jangan langsung pos di sosial media.


Modal sukses seorang Jenny Jusuf adalah NEKAD & BANYAK MAU.
Beliau ini belajar nulis secara otodidak(belajar sendiri) karena menurut dia cara belajarseperti ini punya keuntungan tersendiri. Baca buku, tanya senior-senior, etc. Learning by doing. Sambil belajar sambil ngerjain sesuatu. Hasilnya biar orang yang nilai dan nikmati, kalo ngga nikmat tambahin gula & krimer biar pas ;D

Penulis itu butuh ruang yang cukup untuk berkreasi. Pernah ngerasain dikerjar deadline dan cuma bisa ngerjain sesuatu semampu otak saat itu? Well, mostly kita ngga akan puas dengan hasil kerjaan kerjar mepet.


Dari apa yang udah kita kerjakan harus ada HASIL dari situ. PROSESnya harus dinikmati dan ada tahap pemBELAJARan dari situ.

Tulislah apa yang ingin kita baca, kita dengar dan kita sampaikan ke orang lain. Resepnya adalah "don't be afraid to kill your 'darling'"
Jangan takut untuk nulis, PUT YOURSELF INTO WRITING, kecuali untuk dijual.

Berkarya aja, hasilnya nanti gimana dan yang gimana deh... Coba deh nulis untuk diri sendiri, dan yang penting nulis dulu aja..


Thanks to the team NULISBUKU founding team mba Ollie (Aulia Halimatussadiah), Angeline Anthony, Brilliant Yotenega & Oka Pratama. Here's the pictures from that day. 

Ps: Memory card recovery didn't work so well, banyak juga data yang ngga selamat, cuma ini foto-foto yang bisa di recover, harus bersyukur beberapa foto selamat dan yang penting foto yang rame-rame aman :) 

Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

Rest In Peace dear, Angeline

Angeline, there you are our little angel. Sorry we don't know what you've been through..

"Kami minta maaf, Sayang. Maaf karena tidak (mau) tahu tentang penderitaanmu lebih awal. Istirahat yang damai ya? :')" kutipan dari twitter Jenny Jusuf

It's hard to hear what really happen to you. I will run and protect you Angel.. Only if I can..

Sulit, sakit rasanya untuk percaya ada orang-orang yang tega. Are your heart is that small?
Hati lu sekejam itu? Yang kita bisa lihat dari luar adalah hasil aniaya kalian. Tapi kalian mikir ngga sih apa yang dia rasain di dalam hatinya? Siapapun anda, atau kalian yang menyiksa seorang anak, sampe begini? I don't know what to say.. Are you a human? with heart?

"Bila lihat #KDRT, segera laporkan karena diam bukan emas. Utk rujukan dampingan, hub petugas kami di 021-3903963 @savicali" tweet Komnas Perempuan di twitter

Buat kita semua, ayolah. Saat marah terkadang memang tangan yang jalan duluan, tapi ayo kontrol.. Berhenti, karena sakitnya bukan hanya di fisik, but for some kids, it will remain forever in their heart. Ga mau lagi ada hal buruk yang terus dilakukan turun temurun. Apa itu yang mau diwariskan ke dunia? Ngga kan? Love and peace, man.

A little pray. God, let her smile spread to the world and let what happened will never be happen to other kid. Semua yang semakin dewasa, dewasa dan bertumbuhlah dalam pikiran dan perbuatan. Help us, Lord.

Spread the good things, stop the bad thing.. Please.. I'm begging you. Yes, you..