Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

The secret to do the great thing for God

I have lots resolusion that I made for this year like finishing my colege, got A on very class to make up my not really good result on last semester.. My bad.. But it's okay, the most important is now. Now I trying my best to get the best. Fight me! Osh! 

How  about you guys? What is your resolution for this year?
Wish you get what you want, fight for it and you will get it ;)

Let's talk about little resolution that can bring a big change. What do you think when you hear about little thing we do that can make a big change? 
Like eat a few than usually can make we looks slimmer? Yup! 
Sleep earlier can make we look fresh? Yup!

A lots little thing that we forget.
Sometimes we so busy with all the assigment all the job and all the game we want to play. We forget to spend quiet moments to learning and hearing from God. 

When I bought this book (Kevin Loo's book) my friend that actually have been so long be God's child. He almost never miss to go to church every Sunday & Saturday. He asked me "what book is that?" I answer " It is a daily book" then I chalenge him to read this book one page everyday. And not surprise me when he said "no I can't" I won't ask why, everyone have their own answer. Let's think what we gonna answer the same question to God.. 

Anyway I got the answer "What is Pastor Kevin Loo secret to do the great thing for God?"
The answer is : he spend quality time with God and he immerse himself in the Word by meditating on it and studying it. I believe he spend quiet moments learning and hearing from God. So why don't we do it too?
Read the Bible, pray and worship Him. 
"Build on these moments so that your faith will grow and carry such anointing that you will impact those around you and impart anointing to them. Faith is more than just a good feeling. It is founded upon His Word and spurred on by His anointing." (Kevin Loo:2011)

Yups! Let's take time to learn and listen to God! 

Always hungry, keep foolish - Steven Jobs

God bless you guys! ;)

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Shawn Lee beat boxer!

Shawn Lee is beatboxer from Malaysia.
Some people at his church said he will not have a good future if he keep do beatbox. 

Thanks God he didn't give up and keep practice. Until one day he met Pastor Kevin Loo and tell him: "We not only can praise God when we sing religious song or dance at the church, God make us to do amazing things anywhere, you are amazing! Just Do It!"

This is the coolest beatbox I ever heard!  Mix with the techno and song. Unbelieve able. And not only me, all the people who come and see him got surprise by him. WAW
What a wonderful man made by God.

And ya, let's give back what God given to us, coz we are made by, God made for God. Let's make Father proud :)

Follow Shawn Lee's twitter to know what he doing.

follow my twitter too :) 

see ya!

Check out the video: 

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Let's do the great thing

Yin yang, bagi orang Chinese melambangkan kestabilan. Yinyang digambarkan seperti bola berwarna hitam dan putih. hitam menggambarkan keburukan, putih menggambarkan kebaikan, dan bola tersebut mengandung kedua unsur tersebut yang berarti keseimbangan antara baik dan buruk. Dan jangan lupa di kedua warna ini juga terdapat titik yang berlawannan warna. Di warna hitam terdapat titik putih, juga kebalikannya. Itu menggambarkan bahwa sejelek-jeleknya manusia pasti ada baiknya juga. Dan sebaik-baiknya manusia pasti ada jeleknya juga.

Nobody nobody but you jeng jeng
I want nobody nobody but you
Wondergirls song hehe
Nobody perfect right, you're not, so do me..

Terkadang sulit bagi kita untuk menentukan mana yang baik dan buruk dalam hidup ini. Mana yang boleh dilakukan dan tidak boleh dilakukan. Apa yang dilarang dan tetap dilanggar. ngeeeeenggg, lampu merah cyiiinnn
Bad habit.

I think as long as kita hidup sebagai manusia, kita ngga akan semudah peluk guling terus tidur untuk terlepas dari dosa, tapi kita juga punya hati yang akan mendorong kita untuk berbuat baik.

So, why we want to do a great thing? Because When we were formed, we were created in His image. We bear within us some of His characteristics. And that is why we want to do great things in life.