Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

Kebaktian Natal JPCC 2014

Kebaktian natal kali ini diawali dengan drama natal super kreatif, lucu, inovatif dan ngena banget waktu nenek nangis di saat Rafik mau di hukum sama Aladin.. huhu kasih piala oscar dong buat nenek.. Puji-pujian yang luar biasa dari yang dibawakan oleh ko Sidney Mohede & team.. And I am so luck can be there with my one of the members from my 2nd family ^^

Share Ayat hari ini dari Pastor Jusar Badudu
Diambil dari kitab Amsal

23:17Janganlah hatimu iri kepada orang-orang yang berdosa, tetapi takutlah akan TUHAN senantiasa.

Tambahin yaaa...
23:18Karena masa depan sungguh ada, dan harapanmu tidak akan hilang.
23:19Hai anakku, dengarkanlah, dan jadilah bijak, tujukanlah hatimu ke jalan yang benar.

Tahun ini pertama kali kebaktian natal di JPCC, hihihi senang sekali ^^

Khotbah Natal kali ini dipimpin Pastor Jeffrey

intermezzo zejenak, Pastor Jeffrey adalah Pastor yang pertama kali muncul di mimpi gue.. Situasinya waktu itu beliau lagi duduk di meja bagaikan kepala sekolah yang sedang membagikan rapor anak didiknya.. Dengan wajah gantengnya raut wajah serius dan suara galaunya aaa, dia menatap sambil bilang:

          "Vivi, rapor kamu masih banyak merahnya"

JENG JENG *kebangun dan langsung panik* kondisi hati udah tau sih hasilnya pasti ngga bagus karena tahun ini masih suka bolong ke gereja dan beberapa kali absent datang ke date.. *OOPS..* hihihi

Today's Bible verse diambil dari Lukas 2:6-20
So, cerita di ayat-ayat ini adalah tentang kelahiran Tuhan Yesus di dunia dalam kondisi yang mungkin Maria ngga inginkan, karena normalnya sebagai seorang calon ibu, Maria berharap dia bisa melahirkan dalam kondisi yang lebih baik. Dan kita tau bahwa Tuhan Yesus lahir di kandang kuda dan di tempatkan dalam palungan dengan dibungkus dengan lampin. 

Tanpa Maria tau, para malaikat menyebarkan kabar gembira itu di hadapan para gembala-gembala dan para gembala-gembala itu di dalam Lukas pasal 2 ayat yang ke 20 dikatakan katau mereka "sambil memuji dan memuliakan Allah karena segala sesuatu yang mereka dengar dan mereka lihat semuanya sesuai dengan apa yang telah dikatakan kepada mereka"

Maria pun bersuka cita karena dia menyadari ternyata semua yang terjadi hari itu sudah direncanakan oleh Allah. Allah punya maksud yang baik dan yang gue yakin Allah yang gue kenal adalah Allah yang peduli, selalu menjaga, melindungi dan ngga pernah meninggalkan. 
Dia ngga akan meninggalkan Maria begitu aja.

So yang beberapa point yang berhasil gue catatkan dari apa yang Pastor Jeffrey ajarkan hari ini adalah:Not all about the facility, but it's about the promise of God is the point.Jesus Christ is the perfect gift that God has prepared not in the prefect situation as Maria expect.
Tidak perlu merasa layak, merasa kita udah baik untuk datang ke Tuhan.Meskipun kita kotor, meskipun kita ngga sempurna, Tuhan datang untuk kita dan terima kita apa adanya. Don't need to take a perfect moment to give.

Merry Christmas!!
Good night!!

Sidney Mohede - Tiada SepertiMu lyric

Sidney Mohede - Tiada SepertiMu

Anugrah-Mu kepadaku
Tak pernah berubah
Perbuatan-Mu terlukiskan
Di dalam hatiku

Tercengangku dibuat-Mu
Ku kagum pada-Mu
Tak ada hal di hidupku
Yang luput dari-Mu

Kau indah, Kau mulia
Tiada seperti-Mu
Ku ingin hidupku menyenangkan-Mu

Kau terawal dan terakhir
Pencipta segalanya
Seluruh bintang pun bersinar
Oleh ucapan-Mu

Engkau pun mengasihiku
Penulis hidupku
Tak henti seg'nap nafasku
Menyembah-Mu selalu

Kupuji, kusembah
Tiada seperti-Mu
Kuingin hidupku menyenangkan-Mu

S'gala puji
S'gala hormat
Seg'nap hatiku menyembah-Mu
Terimalah seg'nap hidupku
S'bagai persembahan yang hidup

Anugrah-Mu kepadaku
Tak pernah berubah
Perbuatan-Mu terlukiskan
Di dalam hatiku

Kupuji, kusembah
Tiada seperti-Mu
Ku ingin hidupku menyenangkan-Mu

S'gala puji
S'gala hormat
Seg'nap hatiku menyembah-Mu
Terimalah seg'nap hidupku
S'bagai persembahan yang hidup

Bukan kehendakku,
Namun kehendak-Mu
Hidupku bagi-Mu
Kau indah, Kau mulia
Kuingin hidupku menyenangkan-Mu

Feat. Jakarta Tabernacle Choirs
Music and Lyrics by Sidney Mohede
© 2003 Insight Unlimited Publishing

Rabu, 17 Desember 2014

Keep your time well

Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as you see the day approaching.

Ibrani 10: 25 Janganlah kita menjauhkan diri dari pertemuan ibadah kita, seperti dibiasakan oleh beberapa orang adalah; tetapi marilah kita saling menasihati, dan semakin giat melakukannya menjelang hari Tuhan yang mendekat.

Siapa yang sering tidak datang ke gereja dan melewatkan komsel, kelompok kecil, atau kalau di Gereja JPCC dikenal dengan DATE, ngga datang karena kita harus mengerjakan tugas, macet, cape atau alasan lain?

Pagi ini Tuhan ingetin untuk kita lebih tekun dalam mengikuti Dia.

“Ketekunan bukanlah perlombaan jangka panjang, tetapi perlombaan jangka pendek yang kita lalui satu persatu.” - Walter Elliott

Menurut g itu sering g hadapi karena payahnya mengatur waktu, sering kali sebenarnya waktu yang ada dihabiskan untuk hal-hal bertele-tele yang sebenernya kalau hal itu dipangkas akan banyak waktu yang dapat digunakan lebih berguna.

Tuhan selalu mengingatkan berulang kali kalau hidup kita itu berharga, gunakan lah waktu dengan berguna. Jangan sia-siakan waktumu. Maintenance, keep your time well. Peliharalah waktumu dengan baik.

Mungkin kita pikir “aah, miss satu kali ngga 'pa-pa deh, kan harus ngerjain tugas, minggu depan baru datang..” Kamu yakin pasti datang di kesempatan berikutnya? 

Jangan lah menjauh, sehari demi sehari bisa jadi jauh, lebih jauh, lebih jauh lagi.. Perlombaan jangka pendek yang kita lalui satu persatu seperti kata Walter Elliott.. Lakukan apa yang wajib kita lakukan hari ini. Yuk saring memperhatikan, saling mengingatkan dan mendorong satu sama lain untuk melakukan perkerjaan baik, seperti diingatkan di dalam Ibrani 10:24

Fellowship among believers is very important because it provides for spiritual interaction and mutual encouragement. So, don’t miss any opportunity to meet up or fellowship. Make it a point to attend every cell group meeting because it is through such gathering that our faith is built. - Kevin Loo

Datang untuk kita melayani bukan untuk minta dilayani.. -Vivi

Datang ya ke Date nanti malam..

Minggu, 14 Desember 2014

Strength! Courage!

Hanya, kuatkan dan teguhkanlah hatimu dengan sungguh-sungguh, bertindaklah hati-hati sesuai dengan seluruh hukum yang telah diperintahkan kepadamu oleh hamba-Ku Musa, janganlah menyimpang ke kanan atau ke kiri, supaya engkau beruntung, ke mana pun engkau pergi. Janganlah engkau lupa memperkarakan kitab Taurat ini, tetapi renungkanlah itu siang dan malam, supaya engkau bertindak hati-hati sesuai dengan segala yang tertulis di dalamnya, sebab dengan demikian perjalananmu akan berhasil dan engkau akan beruntung. Bukankah telah Kuperintahkan kepadamu: kuatkan dan teguhkanlah hatimu! Janganlah kecut dan tawar hati; sebab Tuhan, Allahmu, menyertai engkau, kemanapun engkau pergi.

Yosua 1:8-9

Give it everything you have, heart and soul. Make sure you carry out the revelation that Moses commanded you, every bit of it. Don't get off track, either left or right, so as to make sure you get to where you're going. And don't for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind, Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you'll get where you're going; then you'll succeed. Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.

Joshua 1:8-9
The Message Bible

In Christ Alone

The Rescue - In Christ Alone

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone will I glory
Though I could pride myself in battles won
For I've been blessed beyond measure
By his strength alone I'll overcome

Oh, I could stop and count successes
Like diamonds in my hand
But those trophies could not equal
To the grace by which I stand

In Christ alone
I place my trust
And find my glory
In the power of the cross

In every victory
Let it be said of me
My Source of strength
My Source of hope
Is Christ alone

In christ alone will I glory
For only by His grace I am redeemed
And only his tender mercy
Could reach beyond my weakness to my need

Now I seek no greater honor
Than just to know Him more
And to count my gains but losses
To glory of my lord

Sing by Sidney Mohede in album The Rescue
Words and Music by Stuart Towned, Keith Getty Don Koch and Shawn Craig
Piano by Alvi Radjagukguk
© 1994, 2002 Paragon Music (ASCAP) Thankyou Music (PRS) (adm. worldwide at EMICMGPublishing.com)
All right Reserced
International copyright secured
Used by permision CCLI SOng No. 3350395, 841440

Senin, 30 Juni 2014

Title: Nearlyweds (2013)

Watched movie revolves around three best friends who must faced many different problems with their new wedding life. Their have dream weddings, but marry someone is a different things. Without they imagine they will find out that the pastor who married them failed to compete the key paperwork required to make them official. 

Rating 5.8 out of 10 (IMDb)
Romantic, drama, comedy
Click HHERE to watch

Wedding and marry have the different meaning. 

Wedding is "a marriage ceremony."

Marry is "take (someone) as one’s wife or husband in marriage."

 *kutip dari kamus Oxford(niat banget)*

Marry is not about one day celebration with perfect place, good food, nice hair, make up, etc. It’s about forever. Its take ONE DAY to make promise, but need WHOLE LIFE to deal with it.
I believe it’s not easy. 

Some points I got













Women, let’s listen more. Guys tell us what you think. 
And let’s do something good and take the best decision for each other. 

And I wish any guy will watch this move, at least try to.. Cute, nice movie. Hopefully can give some answer about what woman really think. ;)

I’m not expert on it. I just want to share. Hope it help you. Good luck.

God bless you!

Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014


Sometimes the very things that we fight against, the very things that we think are trying to pull us down, are actually the hand of God trying to push us into a new season. God will stir us out of comfortable situations and He'll put us in situations that make us stretch situations that force us to use our faith. We may not like it. It may be uncomfortable. But God loves  you too much to just leave you alone.

Just as God can supernaturally open doors, sometimes He may supernaturally close doors. Nothing happens by accident. God is directing each of your steps. That means if a friend does you wrong, if you go through a setback, if you lose a loved one, you can either embrace that change and God will use it to take you higher, or you can resist it and you'll end up becoming stagnant and settling for mediocrity.

settling for mediocrity : tetap biasa-biasa saja

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

John Legend - All Of Me lyric

John Legend – All Of Me

What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, 
I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright

My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh

How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you

My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, oh

And here is the cover of this song, sing by Max & Zendaya with Kurt Hugo Schneider. Hope you like it. Enjoy.

Jumat, 09 Mei 2014

There, I Still Will Be

I gave you the sun
But you wanted the moon.
When I gave you the moon,
You wanted the stars.
So I reached blindly,
For the most infinite stars,
And wrapped myself
around each one of them,
Just for you.
The stars, the moon and the sun combined,
Weren't enough for you fickle heart.
So I took my tears,
And made you a sea,
So you can sail the earth
And find the impossible treasure
You constantly seek.
Yet every morning,
My sun will be there to wake you.
Every night,
My moon will be there to calm you.
And if you ever need me,
Look amongst the stars,
Wrapped in each one of them,
There, I still will be.

-Kendall Jenner Instagram

Rabu, 30 April 2014

Pray for dad

May has come..
What's up guys?
Leave comment, so we can talk :)

My dad condition getting worse day by day.. But I don't give up. After have some debate with my mom, we finally get decision. Next month is the operation. Please, wish and pray all the best for it.

Thank you!

Jumat, 18 April 2014

Fall in LOVE

If you ever fall in love..
Have you ever,
Fall in love with someone who wants to know your favourite colour and just how you like your coffee. 
Fall in love with someone who loves the way you laugh and would do absolutely anything to hear it.
Fall in love with someone who puts their head on your chest just to hear your heart beat.
Fall in love with someone who kisses you in public and is proud to show you off to anyone they know.
Fall in love with someone who make you question why you were afraid to fall in love in the first place.
Fall in love with someone who would never ever want to hurt you.
Fall in love with someone who falls in love with your flaws and thinks you’re perfect just the way you are.
Fall in love with someone who thinks that you’re the one they would love to wake up to each day.
I want to fall in love with someone who make me feel like this.
Someone who waking me up but make me feel like I still dreaming.
The most beautiful dream until I won’t wake up.
It’s not a dream, I wake up. I chase you. You’ll be mine, I’ll be yours. Forever.

Raisa - LDR (Long Distance Relationship) Lyric

Ku teringat dalam lamunan
Rasa sentuhan jemari tanganmu
Ku teringat walau telah pudar
Suara tawamu, sungguh ku rindu

Tanpamu langit tak berbintang
Tanpamu hampa yang ku rasa

Seandainya jarak tiada berarti
Akan ku arungi ruang dan waktu dalam sekejap saja
Seandainya sang waktu dapat mengerti
Takkan ada rindu yang terus mengganggu
Kau akan kembali bersamaku

Ku teringat walau telah pudar
Suara tawamu, sungguh ku rindu

Tanpamu langit tak berbintang
Tanpamu hampa yang kurasa

Seandainya jarak tiada berarti
Akan ku arungi ruang dan waktu dalam sekejap saja
Seandainya sang waktu dapat mengerti
Takkan ada rindu yang terus mengganggu
Kau akan kembali bersamaku

Terbit dan tenggelamnya mentari
Membawamu lebih dekat
Denganmu langitku berbintang
Denganmu sempurna ku rasa

Seandainya jarak tiada berarti
Akan ku arungi ruang dan waktu dalam sekejap saja
Seandainya sang waktu dapat mengerti
Takkan ada rindu yang terus mengganggu
Kau akan kembali bersamaku

Raisa - Heart to Heart

Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

Avril Lavigne Concert Jakarta 2014

Let’s talk abut Avril Lavigne Concert

Jakarta, 2014 March 12
Whoooohoooooooo! Avril Lavigne second times come to Jakarta for concert! First she came to Jakarta on 2011 May 13, quite long time since the Goodbye Lullaby album. What an amazing chance can go to both of her concert an can watch her in the front row, so close to her . 

Avril not change, still amazing, cool, charming, charismatic, and her smile make me blown away. She’s never growing up! So young! She born 27 September 1984 which means, she is 29 years old, but for me she still looks like she is 20 years old. 

Talk about her concert this year. Opening with the hello kitty song which I request on her officially website woohooo, the first song was fun i sang out loud until my troth hurt, too excited! Lover her cute hello kitty skirt! I wish I can jump and hug her aww! 

Continued with Girlfriend, and the massive song from her new album called Rock & Roll and Here’s to Never Growing Up. As usually she sang it beautifully. Love her voice so much. Her style as that day she use cool tank top that written blink blink ROCKS word with leather legging pants, cool blink blink boots and her blink blink mike.

She looks amazing as always. She don’t stop moving all the time. Walk from left to the right to the centre of the stage not stop dance and sometime she stop and sit so I can see her and closer with her. Then she sing Always Get What I Want. Then the next song is Hush Hush. I love this song(love all her song anyway). She sing it so deeply make me feel hard to breath. After it she sing Let It Go which she made it together with her handsome hubby Chad Kroeger.

Next song is Don’t tell me the song from her first album. Once I got her look into my eyes she smile and waving, OH MY GOD. I’m scream like kuntilanak kejepit, literally (Indonesian famous female ghost) Super happy. 
Then finally she sing one of the most famous song of her, COMPLICATED. At the background whey shuffle Avril pictures when she is 18. Bring back the memory of “rebel” time. When we start to growing up and the moment when we won’t listen to what our parents said. 

Going to the most scary moment of Avril Lavigne concert in Jakarta. Before she sing the Bad Girl song, all light in the room turned off, then there’s some random scary male voice. Suddenly Marilyn Manson face appear on the big screen. Which make me cover my face because it’s scary for me, I just don’t like him.. huhu.. I like this song but don’t like the real it that she sing it with Marilyn Manson..

With her electric guitar she sang He Wasn’t the song about the boy that wasn’t the right one for us because how he act to us. I played this song like a hundred times when I broke up with my boyfriend. This song give spirit and show me that he don’t treat me well so, why should I sad when we broke up. Cause I’m special a a.*sing* 

Next song is Losing Grip. Bring back all the bad memory, but this sing make me stand up still what ever happen even when we alone. We too strong to be kick down, with our own spirit, stand up and kick back! Continuing with her famous song Skater Boy, What The Hell and Smile to end up the concert that night. 

Here’s the list song that she sing on the concert:
  1. Hello Kitty
  2. Girlfriend
  3. Rock & Roll
  4. Here’s to Never Growing Up
  5. Always Get What I Want
  6. Hush Hush
  7. Let it Go
  8. Don’t Tell Me
  9. Complicated
  10. Bad Girl
  11. He wasn’t
  12. Losing Grip
  13. Skater Boy
  14. What The Hell
  15. Smile

Minggu, 02 Maret 2014


Ngga tau mau nulis apa.. Masih kaget, masih melongo sampe sekarang.. SURPRISE!
So many peoples have visit this blog. Mungkin secara sengaja atau engga mampir ke blog ini. If there's any real visitor who like to check my blog. Thank you so much. It's mean a lot for me.

Ngga bisa berkata-kata..

41346 maybe for some people ini hal biasa.. Mungkin aja kebetulan kebuka blognya gara2 ada yang nyari sesuatu yang kebetulan datanya ada di blog ini. Tapi mungkin ngga ya, ada yang rajin visit this blog. I want to thanks directly to you guys.

Eniwe, belum makan nih lapar...
Ngantuk pula cuma tidur sekitar 2 jam semalam, tepatnya tidur pagi..
*Udh beberapa hari kurang tidur.. kurang lebih dalam 3 hari ini hanya tidur kurang lebih 6 jam.. Too much thing happen make me hard to sleep, wake up so early and cekikikan sendiri* #random banget ini orang..

"Anak nakal, pergi ngga ijin2 orang tua, ke negeri Kelantan meluk-meluk cowo, sampai di negeri Singa malah ke bar bareng temen2 bule. Wohoho.. Apa jadinya kalo orang-orang tau. Ngga malu hah?!"

Mungkin nyokap bakal ngomel begitu ketika g kembali ke Jakarta besok..
Hahaha, baru aja diomongin, beliau sms.. isinya "Vi kpn plg?"
Takut ngebalesnya hahaha, takut diomelin..
Oke harus balas..

Then I will go to lunch..

See you in Jakarta.