Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011


A times things are not easy
But the real wisdom lies not in making mistakes
But lies in learning from them.
We have to become better human being day by day
And we have to sparks live!
You always have to keep believing.
Always what happens if you fail once?
What happens if you fail twice?
What happen if you fail thrice?
Strive harder
Put your heart into what you do
You don't have to be serious
You have to be honest with your self.
Life is so complicated
There are some answer we do not even want to ask ourselve
Because we are afraid of the answer

We human being, we are so complex.
Or  I am so complex that I fail to understand my self so much time
Abstact me... (-_-")
But its the way I am...

At times, people will not believe in you
But one thing is clear
If you do not believe in your self, who will?
Therefore whether others believe in you or not, believe in your power
Be always humble
Never underestimare someone
Keep your calm and be positive

Therefore, I will never quit whatecer happens because I can do it!
(Amin, Amin, Amin)

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