Senin, 02 Januari 2012

For everything there is a time

Ecclesiastes 3
1 For everything there is an appointed time, and an appropriate time for every activity on earth;
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot what was planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn (meratap) a time to dance.
5 A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to search, and a time to give something up as lost; a time to keep, and a time to throw away;
7 A time to rip, and a time to sew; a time to keep silent, and a time to speak.
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.
9 What benefit can worker gain from his toil?
10 I have observed ther burden that God has given to people to keep them occupied
11 God has made everything git beautifully in its appropriate time, but he has also placed ignorance in the human heart so that people cannot discover what God has oradanid, from the beginning to the end of their lives.
12 I have concluded that there is nothing better for people than to be hapy and to enjoy themselves as long as they live,
13 and also that everyone should eat and derink, and find enjoyment in all his toil, fot these things are a gift from God.
14 I also know that whatever God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken away from it. God has made it this way, so what men will fear him.
15 Whatever exists no has already been, and whatever will seek to do again that has occurred in the past.

Hula helo halo
a time to hula hula
a time to say hello
a time to say halo siapa ni?

Lagi jomblo? tenang, ada waktunya berpasangan 
Lagi boke? usaha, ada waktunya dapat rejeki
Lagi ngapain ya Ayu ting ting di Bangka?

Just wanna say whatever happen last year, let it go.. Like Pdt Paulus said, "ya udah la, tahun ini(2012) mimpi-mimpi kita yang dulu yang ngga terwujud di tahun-tahun sebelumnya akan diwujudkan oleh Tuhan"
Amin!!! *dalam hati sorak sorak, dalam otak mikir mimpi-mimpi yang belum tercapai di tahun-tahun sebelumnya* 
"KETEMU ROSSI!!!" langsung bisik-bisik penuh semangat ke eli yang selalu duduk di sebelah kiri g tiap kali di gereja. Dan dia membalas : "Merit sama Lee Min Hoo"

Hahaha yes, I believe everyone have a dream yang mungkin belum tercapai di tahun-tahun kemaren, dan mungkin ada beberapa orang yang merasa "ah gue gagal, gue ga bisa, gue payah, kesel dah, mati aja!"
santaii, 90% orang yang pernah gagal dalam sesuatu hal pasti merasa begitu, but you know, Thomas Alfa Edison sang penemu lampu remang-remang *hehe bercanda* pijar mencoba sampai lebih dari 10000 kali percobaan. Nope, I did't only hear it from someone but I read it too in some books, and yes he did it!
Waw! gue baru belajar gitar dan ngerasa ngga bisa aja langsung mau nyerah, tapi beliauuu sugoi! (hebat eiii)

So what I want to say is, Tetep semangat, yang udah lalu ya sudah la, mimpi ataupun target yang belum tercapai, coba tahun ini kita usahakan lebih lagi, apalagi tahun ini kan tahun multiplikasi so keep up on spirit, mau bilangfire nanti kebakar, kasian... hehe

Believe in God, do everything with the best intentions. DREAM!

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

ga sneng ne gw resolusi gw ketauan wkwkwkw nice post btw :)