How success people act?
1. rarely, even never complained
2. Can feel scared, but trying to control and overcome them choose
3. Productive and proactive, no time to do things that are not useful
4. people who do not want to be mediocre, but it would be a maximum.
5. Willing to admit mistakes and do not be stingy with the word "sorry"
6. Dare to delay gratification in order to attain goals
7. Feel safe because they know that their self worth
8. Open and receptive to others' opinions
9. Generous and willing to share
1. Jarang, bahkan tidak pernah mengeluh
2. Bisa merasa takut, tetapi memilih berusaha mengendalikan dan mengatasinya
3. Produktif dan proaktif, ngga ada waktu untuk melakukan hal yang tidak berguna
4. nggak mau jadi orang yang biasa-biasa saja, tapi mau menjadi maksimal.
5. Mau mengakui kesalahan dan nggak pelit dengan kata "maaf"
6. Berani menunda kesenangan demi tercapainya tujuan
7. Merasa aman karena mereka tahu bahwa diri mereka berharga
8. Terbuka dan mau menerima pendapat orang lain
9. Murah hati dan mau berbagi
Nggak cuma bakat dan keahlian yang memiliki andil besar untuk menjadi sukses, tapi juga perilaku alias attitude kita.
Not just talent and expertise that has contributed to be successful, but also the behavior of our attitude.
Yes, we must shape our attitude, not just skill
I always remembering my self to do it too, because I won't be ordinary..
I want be something big.
So easy to say it.. but how I act?
I really scare sometime. It's one time live, and I don't want fail it.
I want make it beautiful.
Live not always about happy, smile, fun. Ya it's lot of hard time.
But I won't give up no!
Let's sing it I won't Give Up by Jason Mraz Cover by Christina Grimmie
Want the mp3 of this song? Click Here
I love Taylor Swift and Christina Grimmie. They have win and show to the world that they can do big things. And their attitude? Totally great and they act the way success peoples act and yes they are succeed. World can see what they do, act, and prove it.
I wish I can be success too *pray* Amen
I love Taylor Swift and Christina Grimmie. They have win and show to the world that they can do big things. And their attitude? Totally great and they act the way success peoples act and yes they are succeed. World can see what they do, act, and prove it.
I wish I can be success too *pray* Amen
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