Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

Underestimate someone

I know.
We know, maybe you're clever than us, but
being so modest..
Not a good thing..
What you said may make us down
but it's just for a while.
What you did..
May hurt us..
But we try not to care so much..

Move away what make us down
Trust our self
Trust God made you as the best creature
No one's words should make you down
you're strong
and what doesn't kill you make you stronger.
Yes it is.
We strong together
No one can't stop us!
If its not here, may be somewhere else.
but we won't stop.

We can be bigger than you.
Don't you ever underestimate us.
Se may be young,
we still struggle on many things.
But even you are older, 
didn't mean you can do anything right.

Guys, be stronger than ever.
No they can't get us down..
And someday we will be higher than them!

God bless us <3>

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